How To Safely Pack Electronics For Moving

September 6, 2024

Electronic equipment is expensive and fragile. If you’re moving to a new home or office, it’s important to be able to pack and transport electronics properly. Otherwise, you risk causing expensive damage.  In this blog, Serenity Moving Services will cover how to safely pack electronics for moving.

Essential Preparations Before The Move

Packing electronics for moving might seem daunting at first, especially if you plan to do it without professional help. However, a little planning and forethought can help. The first step is to organize.

  • Insurance – It’s always a good idea to get insurance coverage while moving electronics, such as ‘transit coverage,’ to insure yourself against financial loss.
  • Tracking apps—Install tracking apps on your devices and use tracking chips, such as Tile, on your electronics to help you keep track of them while on the move.
  • Labeling—Pack all your electronics together so they can be found easily, and label them as fragile to ensure they are handled with care.

Gather Necessary Packing Supplies

To pack your electronics properly, you will need specialized packing supplies.  Once you create an inventory of the electronics you need to move, determine which of the following packing supplies you will need.

  • Sturdy moving boxes
  • Specialized moving boxes for tv’s and computer monitors
  • Bubble wrap
  • Packing peanuts
  • Packing paper or newspapers
  • Twist ties
  • Packing tape and markers
  • Fragile labels

How To Pack Different Electronics For Moving

Removing and unplugging unnecessary cables and batteries before packing electronic equipment can help protect it during transport. Here are the steps for packing different types of electronic equipment–

Packing Computer Monitors

Computer monitors must be packed carefully if you want to avoid damage to your screen.

  • Take off the stand and pack it separately in bubble wrap.
  • Place a few wrapping sheets over the entire screen, just as you would do if wrapping a present.
  • Now cover the entire screen with bubble wrap and fix it in place with packing tape, taking care that the tape doesn’t come in direct contact with the screen. Never pack your screens with newspapers; instead, use packing paper, as newspapers can cause scratches on the screen.
  • Now, go ahead and repeat the process, putting another bubble wrap sheet over the first one, forming a double layer.
  • Now, put the screen upright in a box of the right size with the screen facing the inside wall of the box.
  • Fill the empty spaces with non-static EPS grains and packing papers and do a gentle shake test to see that nothing is loose.
  • Close the lid of the box and seal it with packing tape.
  • Remember to place a ‘fragile’ label on the box.

Packing Other Electronics ( TV, Speakers, Printers, Scanners )

For other electronics, such as printers, scanners, TVs, and more, adapt the following general tips to pack them safely.

  • Go through the user manual to determine if the manufacturer has specific instructions for moving.
  • Try to find the original packing box if you have it
  • Safely remove all cables and pack them separately.
  • Cushion the top and bottom of the box with packing paper, bubble wrap, and towels.
  • Cover the items in protective wrapping such as bubble wrap.
  • Never leave cartridges or toners inside printers.
  • Make sure not to leave any space in the box; fill the empty spaces with anti-static packing peanuts.
  • Close the boxes and put packing tape over them.
  • Label the boxes and mark them fragile
  • Avoid putting heavy boxes or furniture on top of the boxes containing electronics
  • Make sure that the boxes won’t shift during transport

Packing electronics can be tricky. These tips can help you pack items such as monitors and other electronic items. Hire Serenity Moving Services for expertly packed and secure electronics during your move in Oklahoma to ensure a smooth and safe transition. Contact us today to learn more about our services. We also offer a guide on how to pack dishes and clothes when moving.

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